Automatic Dilution Machine for Disinfectants
About The Project Faculty Members Students Industry Partner


The automatic disinfectant dilution machine aims to deliver safe and accurate dilution in a more economical way. Usually, companies can buy ready-to-use diluted disinfectants or undiluted disinfectants. In the long run, the latter is less expensive (~ $80) as diluting it manually can make about 100 bottles, therefore equating to around $0.8 per bottle. However, manual dilution risks accuracy of dilution and the health of the employees due to the disinfectants’ toxic fumes. So, instead of risking accuracy or employee safety, our machine automatically dilutes it for you. It can perform the dilution of any of your disinfectants without the need of any expert and will save your resources (money and disinfectants) as the machine allows you to use every liter of disinfectants more efficiently without excessive waste. The machine will be designed such that it is not bulky, can be easily hung on any wall and only requires to be connected to a running water source. Additionally, we envision that this machine would appeal mostly to companies that rely heavily on consistent and accurate disinfection, such as the F&B industry (production factories) and the medical industry (labs and hospitals).
Moreover, we are working in collaboration with a disinfectant company, ezoMED, which is a Lebanese company with the strongest, most efficient and non-toxic patented disinfectant in the market. They have offered to provide their disinfectant for our machine. It is water-based, so it is not harmful on skin contact, has no toxic fumes, does not corrode materials, and can be used to clean any surface. Our machine is not limited to ezoMED, but rather the ezoMED will be the first disinfectant used with our machine and it will be offered to companies as an extra means for more efficient disinfection.



Disinfection has always been important, especially in hospitals, yet with the rise of a new pandemic, disinfection has become more of a priority not only for companies and hospitals, but also for individuals in the community to protect themselves from this unknown disease that took the world by surprise. Apart from the risks associated with dealing with disinfectants (toxicity risks on health, accuracy, etc.), most factories, hospitals and laboratories already have protocols for disinfection that have only been strengthened as a result of the pandemic. Thus, some of these entities hesitate to consider alternatives or additional features to include within their preapproved protocols for disinfection, and with the economic crisis, are unsure of their ability to invest in such a change. Nonetheless, the project will prove that it is a simple and convenient solution that fits well within their protocols rather than changes or hinders them.
Desired Disciplines
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Business

Faculty Members


Dana Bekdash

Mechanical Engineering

Kareem Malaeb

Civil Engineering

Industry Partner



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