Generative Design for Enhanced 3D MEP Modular Engineering & Construction (GD-MEP)
About The Project Students


GD-MEP aims to develop a software application to guide engineering and construction practitioners and personnel in creating efficient fabrication and assembly workflows of construction-associated MEP components. This is achieved by developing and implementing an integrated and automated design and optimization approach while combining several leading software packages such as Autodesk Revit BIM, Dynamo for Revit, Autodesk Forge, and Autodesk Simulation.


The proposed project is novel and timely in the sense that hardly any work has been reported on the topic. As such, several challenges may arise during the implementation from computational design to optimization to software development. In this case, the project necessitates students from different backgrounds and versed in design, programming, and simulation skills mostly related to construction-associated, prefabricated components and assemblies (refer to disciplines/methods, majors, and skills below).
  • Parametric modeling
  • BIM
  • Computational design
  • Optimization
  • Generative design
  • Design for Manufacture and Assembly(DfMA)
  • API design
  • Automation
Academic Majors of Interest
Academic Majors of Interest
  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Computer Science/ Computer Engineering
  • Architecture

Preferred Skills

  • Design and construction principles
  • Computer-Aided Design(CAD)
  • Design and Computer skills
  • Software development
  • Programming
  • Engineering simulation


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