Recycled Carbon Fiber Composites for Sustainable 3D Printing
About The Project Students


The use of recycled polymers in 3D printing technologies has recently become a promising topic because of the global concerns on plastic waste pollution and an increase in awareness of sustainability and circularity. In order to unlock the potentials of 3D printing beyond prototyping purposes, advanced and sustainable materials are needed to promote scaled additive manufacturing. This project will establish advanced applications of recycled composites in the additive manufacturing industry. We aim towards developing a sustainable 3D printing filament material with superior properties from recycled carbon fiber composites. Carbon fiber composites are light, strong, durable, and corrosion resistant materials that offer significant structural and aerodynamic advantages for different applications. One of the commonly used and reliable composites is the carbon fiber reinforced polymer pre-impregnated with an epoxy resin system, which includes the proper curing agent with a limited shelf life. The following project will investigate a state-of-the-art technology that will recycle already cured, never-used composites that would otherwise be discarded into 3D printing filaments with enhanced mechanical and physical properties. Composites of different compositions will be examined while reclaiming the material as a whole using mechanical recycling techniques. We will characterize and analyze the properties of the recycled carbon fiber 3D printing material and structures. Different printers will be also utilized to investigate the feasibility of using the recycled material with different printers under different parameters and setups.


Would it be viable to reuse an already cured carbon fiber composite enriched with thermosetting polymer in additive manufacturing? What are the methods and processes needed to recycle such a material and be used in additive manufacturing? And finally what are the residual properties of the reclaimed batch material compared to its original when used in 3D printed structures? The objective of this research work is to investigate clear and definite answers for the aforementioned questions and concerns which will lay down a stronger foundation for cutting-edge research in the field of 3D printing, recycling, and advanced materials in Lebanon. Some research work and final year projects have focused on characterizing, processing, manufacturing, and evaluation of composite structures from a composite prepreg fully automated layup machine, a SuperMileage car with full composite structure, 3D printing using recycled nylons, to investigating the mechanical and physical properties of 3D printing structures. This sheds light on the progress being made in Lebanon and among the new generation of engineers for the immense advantages of using such exceptional material in additive manufacturing. This work will solve a waste material challenge before it adds additional burden on the Lebanese garbage crisis and our green environment, it will also provide a sustainable raw material for our 3D printing applications in Lebanon.
  • Natural and Applied Sciences
  • Engineering
  • sciences
  • physics
Academic Majors of Interest
Academic Majors of Interest
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Polymer science
  • Material science and engineering
  • electrical engineering

Preferred Skills

  • Material characterization
  • automation
  • 3d printing
  • Communicate results effectively
  • follow guidelines for experimental work
  • Attention to details
  • time management


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