Willows Future of Bioenergy
About The Project Faculty Members Students


Clean energy is undoubtedly one of the world’s most significant challenges. The goal of this project is to develop sustainable, efficient models that introduce the sustainable use of local willow biomass for biofuel production. Willow and poplar trees are short rotation crops characterized by short life cycles and rapid growth rates. They constitute a potential sustainable and economical feedstock option for the production of ethanol and other forms of bioenergy.



  • 1) Limited data collection due to impediments in experiments, and possibility of data extrapolation
  • 2) Absence of industrial partner with relevant experience in Lebanon
  • 3) Limited and/or outdated knowledge about the fuel market in Lebanon
  • 4) Limited and/or outdated knowledge about forestry and the distribution of willow trees in Lebanon
  • 5) Development of an industrial process that promotes the profitable use of local forest biomass and reduces greenhouse gas emissions
  • 6) Design of sustainability and scalability models that ensure proper forest management
Desired Disciplines
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Agriculture
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Business Management

Faculty Members


Karine Alkhatib

Chemical Engineering

Wael Osman


Reine Obeid


Rayan Kadah El Habbal


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